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Innovative and circular solutions are high on our agenda and something we continuously work with when it comes to reducing, reusing and recycling waste like plastic, paper, cardboard and the like at our production facilities.

If you want to know how we work with food waste, click right here.

Local action plans

At all of our Danish production facilities local action plans have been developed. The plans aim to realise our reduction and recycling targets, taking into account national requirements and waste management systems. Our facilities have an ongoing cooperation with our Danish waste management company on ways to reduce waste and/or increase recycling.

Plastic waste

About two-thirds of the combustible waste from our Danish production facilities is plastic waste, and 90 per cent of this plastic waste is either mixed types of plastic or contaminated with meat juice, which makes it unsuitable for recycling in current Danish systems. So in our production facility in Aalborg and Kolding, we have developed a process that enables recycling of the blue plastic bags that are used to cover and transport meat.

Increase of waste streams in Haarlem
Our production facility in Haarlem in the Netherlands is working intensely with waste management practices and is aiming to reduce waste and increase recycling rates.

Previously, the facility had only two major waste streams from production – paper and the rest. Today, the facility has divided its waste into multiple waste streams, and most of the waste is sent to recovery.

The production facility in Haarlem has also partnered with a new local waste management supplier with facilities near Haarlem, which ensures that the transport time for the waste is also reduced.


We aim to reduce the volume of waste from our production facilities that is suitable for incineration by 40% by 2029/30 relative to a 2020/21 baseline.


The share of waste used for material recovery was 28 per cent in 2022/23. The target is 80 per cent in 2029/30.