We apologize if one of our products did not meet your expectations. The complaint can be reported by filling in the form further down the page.

We take all complaints very seriously, which are all dealt with individually. We therefore need as much information as possible to carry out a thorough investigation of the matter. We process cases as quickly as possible and preferably within 1-2 weeks. However, there may be cases where the investigation may take a little longer.

The labels contain information that is valuable in connection with the investigation. Therefore, save the labels or the entire packaging until an agreement has been made on the further course of action. If there is a residue of the product, we ask that this also be saved. Possibly. on frost, so that it is available if it becomes necessary to include the product itself in the study.

If a foreign object has been found, we would very much like to have the opportunity to investigate this further. Therefore save the object.

Thanks in advance.

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