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Environmental partnerships

Climate Partnership

The Danish Governments Climate Partnerships for Food and Agriculture focuses on ensuring a sustainable transition of Danish food production, achieving Denmark’s 70% reduction target by 2030 and climate neutrality by 2045. Jais Valeur, CEO of Danish Crown, was chairman of the partnership.

Danish Soy Alliance

Danish Crown is one of the founding partners of the alliance, which is a partnership between government, NGOs, retailers, and producers. Together, we aim to create a more sustainable and deforestation-free supply chain for soy.

Danish Palm Oil Alliance

Danish Crown is member of the alliance, which is a partnership between government, NGOs, retailers, and producers. Together, we aim for all palm oil imported into Denmark - both in raw form and embedded in products - to be produced responsibly. This among others mean that the palm oil must be legally produced and must not contribute to deforestation or conversion of other natural vegetation.


The DRIP partnership is a partnership between a number of Danish companies aiming to develop water-saving technologies, that can both enhance their competitiveness and support several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

DFDS and a green corridor between Denmark and UK

In April 2023, Danish Crown and the logistic company DFDS entered into a five-year partnership agreement which includes a commitment to introduce new transport solutions with reduced climate footprint. Danish Crown is also part of a broader partnership with Arla Foods, DSV - Global Transport and Logistics, and DFDS are working on providing climate-neutral transport from Denmark to the UK before 2030.

Green Fertilizer

In 2022, Danish Crown together with 3 other large Danish cooperatives - DLG Group, Danish Agro a.m.b.a. and Arla Foods - founded Green Fertilizer Denmark, a visionary partnership to explore the options for production of sustainable fertilizer in Denmark. It is looking into the possibilities of building a factory producing more sustainable fertilizer.

Biogas partnership (Bigadan)

In the spring 2023, we concluded a strategic partnership agreement with the biogas company Bigadan. The agreement offers a wide range of opportunities to make meat production more sustainable. Danish Crown produces a significant amount of biomass, which is sold to Bigadan to convert it to biogas in return for access to significant amounts of green energy for our Danish production facilities. The agreement includes an option to receive biomass for biogas, biofuels, food-grade CO2, origin guarantees, etc.

Social partnerships

Olympiske partnerskab med Danmarks Idrætsforbund og Team Danmark

In April 2023, we announced a partnership with DIF and Team Denmark. Together, we want to direct attention to the importance of a healthy diet together with exercise, for top athletes but also for children.

Forberedende grundunddannelse schools

Danish Crown has partnered with multiple FGU schools to introduce a Danish Crown theme week. The purpose of these weeks is to inform about our industry and the profession as a butcher with the aim to recruit the next generation of butchers.

Cross Cutting Partnerships

UN Global Compact

Danish Crown has been a signatory of the UN Global Compact (UNGC) since 2011. The UNGC focuses on human and labor rights, environment and anti-corruption. As part of our membership, we collaborate with other UN Global Compact members, share best practices and insights in the fight against corruption and human and labour rights violation. These partnerships strengthen the collective efforts to combat corruption and promote ethical business practices.

Danish Crown has been a signatory of the UN Global Compact (UNGC) since 2011. The UNGC focuses on human and labor rights, environment and anti-corruption.
Other commitments related to sustainability
• 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and UN Sustainable Development Goals
• Danish Code of Conduct on the Use of By-products
• Danish Gender Diversity Pledge
• Danish Healthy Food Council
• Danmark mod Madspild (Denmark against Food Waste)
• EU Code of Conduct on Responsible Food Business and Marketing Practice
• Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
• Round Table on Responsible Soy
• Science Based Targets initiative
• Swedish Platform on Risk Commodities
• UK Modern Slavery Act
• UK Soy Manifesto
• UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
• Vision Zero Denmark