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Visits in Horsens

Danish Crown Horsens accepts groups of guests of minimum 12 and maximum 55 people. The abattoir features a visiting gallery across the entire production area and it is thereby possible to follow all processes from slaughtering of the live animals to the belly roast leaving the plant 24 hours later.

When visiting Horsens you should expect some waiting time. Currently the wait is about four months for day shifts and about six months for evening shifts.

Guests are accepted on Monday through Thursday from 9.00 to 17.30 at the latest. Fridays it is only possible to reserve time during the morning.

Contact the visiting gallery in Horsens
Tel.: +45 8919 2936
Mail: visitdchorsens@danishcrown.com  


24 hours at one of the world's most modern abattoirs

Read our magazine

Visits in Holsted

Interest in the Danish Crown cattle abattoir in Holsted is huge. The visiting gallery of Holsted accepts abattoir relevant guests all working days during day time. We prioritise our owners, their employees and young people enrolled in education. A tour in the visiting gallery takes app. two hours.

Contact the visiting gallery in Holsted:
Tel.: +45 8919 2430
Mail: visitdcholsted@danishcrown.com

Video from our cattle abattoir in Holsted, DK
Danish Crown has one of the most modern cattle abattoir in the world - Danish Crown in Holsted, DK.
Video from our different cattle abattoirs