A safe and healthy workspace

A safe and healthy workplace is one of our top priorities, and everyone – from the top management to the production floors – are committed to the joint effort of creating a safety culture with a strong focus on prevention and the idea of safety first.

Safety First

Safety first is a common denominator for the culture we want to uphold, and we base our approach on the idea that all accidents can be prevented by working systematically with preventive efforts.

We continuously optimise our health and safety processes, implement management systems, develop locally targeted programmes and improve accident registration.

Proactive approach to accident prevention

An important part of accident prevention is analysing data and applying results to increase awareness and corrective actions in collaboration with our site management and production employees.

Therefore, we collaborate on systematically registering accidents and near misses across our production facilities to help prevent future accidents.

Vision Zero

We are part of the Danish Vision Zero Council, which helps us formalise our approach to creating a safe and healthy workplace, and in accordance with Vision Zero, we promote core values of safety, health, and well-being, and work on processes to prevent accidents, diseases, and injuries at work.

Read more about other sustainability related partnership and commitments here.

Noise reduction target

We are continuously working to reduce noise and prevent hearing damage, and in 2020/21, we defined a target to limit daily noise exposure for our production employees to a maximum of 82 dB(A) by 2030. At the same time, we are establishing baselines for noise exposure at the individual production facilities so that we can prepare local action plans for how to achieve this target.


We also focus on reducing work related ill health, which can for example result from repetitive work and heavy lifting, as this entails a high risk of injuries and chronic problems such as musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). Unfortunately, the development of musculoskeletal disorders is one of the most widespread disorders among our employees. If an employee becomes worn out, we work together to find a solution that will retain the employee or assist him or her with a retraining programme to ensure that the employee can remain an active member of the labour market.

Automation where it’s needed

Butchery is a craft that requires certain skills, so we cannot automate all tasks at our abattoirs. But we’re continually working to automate the heaviest tasks at hand. Namely because repetitive work and heavy lifting entail the high risk of accidents and long-term effects. Therefore, we invest in automation.