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Danish Crown's canning factory in Vejle has a "lykkepose-concept”. Bags that employees can buy for 25 kroner contain 6 kg of canned products that would otherwise be discarded due to appearance or similar reasons. In the spring of 2023, Allan Nielsen noticed this concept, which has turned into a heart-warming story.

- I have been driving to Ukraine in my van with donations for the Ukrainian people and forces since the outbreak of the war. In the spring, I was at a friend's house who works at Danish Crown in Vejle, where I saw he had one of these bags. When he explained the concept, I quickly bought bags for one ton and reached out to the factory manager, introducing myself and my partner, says Allan Nielsen, who was self-employed for 24 years but has now dedicated his life to charitable work in Ukraine.

The factory manager in Vejle, Stig Pedersen, didn't need much time to think.

- I didn't know Allan, but I immediately sensed that here was an enthusiast who simply wanted to help innocent people and support the Ukrainian forces. So, of course, we had to support it, says Stig Pedersen.

The Vejle factory added another half ton of cans, allowing Allan Nielsen to drive off in a packed van. At the same time, Stig Pedersen initiated a collection so that employees in Vejle could donate good luck bags to Ukraine. For each bag that employees donate, the factory also purchases one bag.

I didn't know Allan, but I immediately sensed that here was an enthusiast who simply wanted to help innocent people and support the Ukrainian forces. So, of course, we had to support it.
Stig Pedersen, factory manager

Over 17 tons of canned products for Ukraine

The concept has been a great success, prompting Allan Nielsen and his partner, Linda Charning, to establish the Food for Ukraine association. On their last three trips, they have brought plenty of canned goods, totalling over 3 tons of canned food donated through the good luck bag concept.

On their latest trip in June, the logistics company DSV donated a truck for them to use. Consequently, the Vejle factory donated an additional 14 tons of cans, which, along with canned seafood from Munkebo Seafood A/S and sugar from Nordic Sugar, filled the truck with 22 tons of food. Allan will set off again in the truck in September. Linda Charning manages donations and transport in Denmark, while Allan takes care of everything related to Ukraine.

- At the beginning, I spent many months building a credible network to ensure that the aid reaches the right people. Because I personally drive it down there, I see it with my own eyes and can show it to, for example, the employees in Vejle. Protein-rich foods are actually at the top of the lists I receive from Ukrainian organizations, so the canned products make a huge difference, says Allan Nielsen.

Now, all Danish Crown employees can donate

Based on the success, Danish Crown has decided to extend the donation concept to all employees. And for each donated bag, Danish Crown will provide an additional bag.

- We have been met with tremendous generosity. From Stig Pedersen's quick support to the cafeteria staff who last time collected chocolate for an orphanage I visited. Having this trust motivates us even more to help as much as possible, says Allan Nielsen.

Learn more about the donation project on the website www.foodforukraine.dk.

We have been met with tremendous generosity. From Stig Pedersen's quick support to the cafeteria staff who last time collected chocolate for an orphanage I visited.
Allan Nielsen