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Farmers follow the Climate Track
The Climate Track is part of Danish Crown’s sustainability programme for the development towards more sustainable meat production at our farms. Our farmers on the Climate Track undertake to cooperate with us on sharing production data and information that specifically support Danish Crown’s climate vision and climate goal of reducing its carbon footprint.
Farmers follow the Climate Track
Climate solutions of tomorrow
Danish Crown’s cooperative owners and suppliers of slaughter animals regularly implement new technologies to reduce their carbon footprint, while several of the climate solutions of tomorrow will be born out of ongoing innovation, development and demonstration projects. To ensure their future application at the farms, Danish Crown is wholly or partially involved in a number of promising projects.
Climate solutions of tomorrow
Soy and palm oil
Seventy percent of all soy is used for feed for production animals around the world, while palm oil is the most widely used vegetable oil worldwide and is found in many different food products. However, in some places the production of both soy and palm oil is associated with environmental and social challenges – especially in countries where rain forests are cleared to make space for plantations.
Responsibly produced soy and palm oil
Sustainable Agriculture Programme
Our farmers work hard to ensure resource-efficient livestock production, and they continuously strive to improve their sustainability footprint. To do so, Danish Crown is committed to performing a wide range of initiatives to promote and support our cooperative owners and suppliers in more sustainable agriculture. We do this within four key areas – Animal Welfare, Climate Impact, Biodiversity and Responsible Sourcing.
Sustainable Agriculture Programme
Animal welfare
Better animal welfare is at the heart
At Danish Crown, we give high priority to animal welfare and ensure good animal welfare from farm to abattoir. That is why we work together with our cooperative owners, suppliers of slaughter animals and experts and NGOs within the food industry.
Animal welfare
Agriculture and nature go hand in hand
We believe that modern agricultural production and nature should go hand in hand. That is why we’re committed to using our size and leverage to conserve biodiversity and ecosystems where we have the biggest impact.
From farm to fork
Understanding farm level emissions
The largest part of our greenhouse gas emissions occurs in our value chain and are related to the farm level, where a myriad of biological processes unfolds, where greenhouse gases are both absorbed and emitted. Below you can get an overview of these emissions and where they come from.
Understanding farm level emissions