Friland A/S and the Danish Animal Welfare Society co-operated in drawing the Code of Practice for FRILANDSGRIS® - Friland's Free Range Pig. All Free Range Pork from Friland is produced according to this practice. All farmers are authorized and continuously controlled by the Danish Animal Welfare Society. The basic principles of this Code of Practice concentrate on the welfare of the pigs whether on the farm, in transit or at the abattoir. The principles may be summarised in the following 5 sentences:
- Pigs must have freedom to circulate easily and to perform most natural patterns of behaviour.
- Pigs must not suffer any harm – physical or psychic.
- Pigs must not suffer hunger, but must have free access to natural feeding stuff and water to maintain them in good health and vigour.
- Pigs must not be exposed to infection and must not suffer any harm.
- Pigs must not in any way be frightened or distressed.
In practice it means that pigs at all times must be provided sufficient space to allow them to circulate easily. They must at all times have free access to pens or other areas bedded with straw, flakes or similar material and to outdoor areas.
Friland Free Range code of practice